Proper sub Apologies

you are a submissive and you disappointed your Superior? Here is what you shall do in Our house to properly apologize.

How to ask for forgiveness? A good sub CARES, so their/its request for forgiveness includes 5 steps:

  1. Context. The submissive explains the context in which the wrongdoing occurred and the sequence of actions.

For example, “i/it did not study the material You assigned me/it and instead i/it watched entertainment videos on Youtube without permission.”

  1. Acknowledgement. The submissive admits that they/it did wrong and explains why their/its behaviour is unacceptable. 

For example: “my/its behaviour is unacceptable since You wanted me/it to acquire new knowledge and i/it wasted the time You gave me/it on personal entertainment. i/it acted in a purely selfish way and i/it realize·s that this is disrespectful to my/its Superiors and disregards the efforts You are investing in me/it.”

  1. Resolution to Improve. The submissive promises that they/it will not repeat that behaviour.

For example: “From now on, i/it promise·s to complete tasks assigned to me/it as soon as possible and not to do something else instead without Your permission.”

  1. Expiation suggestion. The submissive suggests a way that they/it can make amends for and repair the wrongs they/it committed. They/it defers to the judgment of the Recipient(s) of the request for the potential applicability of an amend and/or punishment. Ultimately, it is up to the Recipient(s) to decide if there is a need for redress and/or punishment.

For example: “If it is convenient for You, i/it can study this lesson tonight. i/it could also learn how to cook a meal You love if that is something You would enjoy. i/it will also accept any punishment that You see fit to help me/it learn my/its lesson.”

  1. Sentiments are expressed. The submissive expresses regret, remorse, doubt, or any other emotion they/it feels upon reflecting on their/its actions, so that the Recipient(s) know their/its state of mind and can plan future training.

For example: “i am/it is deeply sorry for my/its behavior. i am / it is ashamed, because my/its old reflexes of selfishness are still present in me/it. i/it would like to be rid of them for good. This is not the kind of sub i/it want·s to be for You. Thank You for allowing me/it to learn and improve.”

When to ask for forgiveness from Superiors?

A submissive shall present without delay to their/its Superiors a written or oral request for forgiveness as soon as they/it is aware of a breach, an error, a disappointment, a lack of respect or disobedience, even when they/it is not entirely responsible for it. 

If more than one wrongdoing is committed simultaneously, the submissive shall submit a request for forgiveness for each of the acknowledged wrongdoings.