
General rules

On a daily basis, submissives must:
Help their superiors to get dressed
Open the door (building/car) for their superiors
Start eating after their superiors
Do not interrupt their superiors


The chain of communication should be to the next available superior.
All members must ask permission before addressing a Line Manager without being asked. The supervisor has the right to waive this requirement for a specific period of time or not.
It is mandatory to be polite to one’s supervisor.

Performance of duties.
For any request inherent to the continuation or proper performance of a task, permission to speak may be granted by assuming the “Attention” position in the immediate superior’s available field of vision and waiting for his or her permission to speak.
When the task is completed, the submissive must go and inform the Superior who instructed him/her and wait for a new command. To do this, he must stand next to the Superior in the “waiting” position, looking parallel to the Superior.
In the event that a particular event worthy of the Superior’s attention occurs during the execution of the task (e.g., material breakage, end of product, inability to complete the task), the Submissive has the duty to inform him/her of it. In the event that the submissive understands that he/she is responsible for this event and that it poses a harm, the submissive must wait in the “Vulnerable” position to demonstrate that he/she understands that he/she can be held responsible.

Position Guide:

“Attention”: Standing, chin up, stare straight ahead, chest out, shoulder back,belly in, heel stuck, toe apart, without a word.

“Waiting”: Buttock on heels, toe stuck, hands on knees palms up, knees apart, back straight, stare straight ahead.

“Vulnerable”: On the toes, buttock on the heels, knees spread to the maximum, hand behind the head, elbow parallel to the knees, back straight, gaze fixed in front.

“Prayer” : Knees on the ground, joint toes, palms on the ground, forehead on the ground, leg bent at 45 degrees

“Lying down” : Knees on the ground, joint toes, buttocks on heels, palms on the ground, forehead on the hands.